- Cramps- Stress usually makes cramps worse. Taking ibuprofen before you expect the cramps might be helpful, as well as exercise, deep breathing and just relaxing.
- Bloating- The bloating feeling is common. It happens to 1 out of 2 women according to doctors. Ways to help reduce the bloating feeling is to watch your diet and stay away from salt. You should keep physically active and drink lots of water.
- Sore Breasts- Right before you get your period your body is producing a lot of hormones. There is not much you can do to avoide this, but it helps if you don't have caffine, stay physically active, and drink lots of water.
- Back Pain- Back pain is another common problem. Taking ibuprofen can help take away some of the pain. Also, laying on a heating pad or taking a hot bath can help.
- Mood Swings- During your period, you may feel like an emotional mess. For example, things that would normally not upset you have you crying for no reason. This is mostly due to hormones. The bad news is that there really is nothing to be done, except let it out. Cry if you need to. Scream, shout, stomp your feet. Then apologize to those who got in the way.
- Acne- Getting those little zits before your period is deffinatley annoying. The only thing you can do is wash your face regularly and hope that they don't show up.
- Changes in Appetite- Some women crave chocolate, while others can hardly eat anything at all. Again, it's those FREAKING hormones and it's natural to experience changes in your appetite. Just know that those weird eating habits will go back to normal.